

Keaton & Liberty welcomed their first child, Sonny, on July 22nd in Tyler.  He is precious with the sweetest full cheeks and a head full of brown hair. Shortly after his birth, he began to experience seizures.  Sonny was moved to the NICU under wonderful care, but didn’t progress.  On Monday he was transferred to Cooks Children’s in Fort Worth.  They have discovered that his seizures are caused by swelling in his brain. They also found an infection in his blood.   Liberty teaches 1st grade in Tyler ISD & Keaton is an account manager at Cozad Insurance Group.  They are such a kind couple and this journey will require time away from work, as well as unexpected medical expenses. We hope to lessen the financial burden and allow their energy to be focused on Sonny and supporting each other.  Though monetary donations are greatly appreciated, prayers for finding the source of the brain swelling and blood infections, Sonny to be comforted without being in pain and complete healing.

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