

Hola Familia, The Tenorio Ranch is calling upon our family to come together and help restore an historic barn built by our ancestors. The Tenorio’s Homestead in Pintada Maria Gonzales de Tenorio, with her son Santiago and daughter Rita left Anton Chico and traveled 20 miles south to make their stake in the newly opened homestead lands in Guadalupe County. They submitted their applications at the Land Office and they were accepted and agreed to the terms of working and making the land to be productive. They received their land patents and Pintada became their home. The Homestead Act of 1862, stated any U.S. citizen, or intended citizen, who had never borne arms against the U.S. Government could file an application and lay claim to 160 acres of surveyed Government land. For the next 5 years, the General Land Office looked for a good faith effort by the homesteaders. This meant that the homestead was their primary residence and that they made improvements upon the land. After 5 years, the homesteader could file for his patent (or deed of title) by submitting proof of residency and the required improvements to a local land office. As part of the homesteading activities our great Grandmother Maria Gonzales de Tenorio and her son Santiago Tenorio, built a house and barn. Over the years many family members have contributed to maintaining the Tenorio Ranch in Pintada. In speaking with Uncle Luis Tenorio, he said when he was younger his father and brothers Abran, Orlando, Porfirio and Santiago Jr. all help in the construction of the barn. That barn is now in need of repair. Through the years of no repair, and the harshest winds of 2024 winter final broke the left door beyond repair. Cousin David Tapia, took the lead on getting replacement doors last year and the plan was to replace just the doors. Upon inspection, they found more work needed to be done with the foundation as the barn was leaning more to the left and the shifting was now making the barn unstable. In reviewing of how much this repair was going to take, talked with David and suggested that since all of us are part of this legacy, that we should call out for any help we can have for making this restoration possible. Therefore, if you want to join the Tenorio Ranch restoration project and can help with funding and or labor, we would welcome you and your contribution. Our lineage is strong and welcome all to participate in keeping that legacy for the future generations. Pictures will be updated on our Tenorio Family Reunion Facebook page. Our very best, The Tenorio Ranch

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