

A year and a half ago, I got the unsettling news that I had Stage II pancreatic cancer. After 12 months of treatment, my cancer has advanced to Stage IV. Two more rounds of chemotherapy did not slow it down.But I still have a fighting chance and I’m asking you today to help me seize it. If I am able to raise $34,000, I will be able to go to Cancun, Mexico for a cutting edge treatment that has been shown to save the lives of others in worse shape than me. I’ll spend three weeks receiving a new kind of drug therapy that is rocking the cancer treatment world, as well as a drug approved in Latvia following 30 years of research, which shows success with pancreatic cancer. It’s my best chance. I wish that my family could fund this on our own, but we can’t. It’s so hard for me to ask for your help, but I must.  Living to see my daughter marry her fiancée, being able to retire and enjoy growing old with my dear husband, Doug—these are the gifts you give to my family when you donate to my cancer treatment fund.  Here’s what your support will allow me to do.In America, our cancer treatment options revolve around chemotherapy, and surgery, which have not worked to treat my cancer. But other countries have had success with less toxic treatments, particularly the use of viruses that infect and kill cancer cells.  This treatment center in Cancun has the kind of success rates for pancreatic cancer that mean I might be able to beat this disease.  It’s called the Hope4Cancer Center and I can go as early as February if we are able to raise the money for my treatment.  Already you have given $10,000, and I am so grateful! I will need $24,000 more to be able to receive this treatment. Please consider giving what you can today and sharing this with your friends and family. Thank you so much and God Bless You.

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