

The last 6 months to a year has been the most intense, painful and exhausting moments of my life including losing the ability to walk here and there. I received news that I will be having my 5th surgery on my foot to remove the hardware that's been bothering me for the past few years. This surgery they will remove every screw and the bone around it because they won't come out normally without breaking my ankle. I will not be able to work for a month to 2 months and we just got caught up on almost everything. So now we're going to lose my income for awhile and I can't really afford that. I haven't worked at this new place long enough for any type of benefit and there isn't really any support for stuff like this. This is a medically required surgery and I need it asap to stop all of my pain and immune symptoms. August is already hard enough on us with having to buy School clothes and supplies. Also the fact that both my kids birthdays are this month, I'd really at least like to be able to get them supplies/clothes and some birthday stuff. I'm also open to working a temp sit down job or remote until I'm able to return to my driving job. Would like to also note that I'm 100% ok with sharing amounts and the possibility of helping me pay my bills directly for those who are more willing to help that way! Please share this as much as possible!

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