On July 8th, our lives have been shattered by the devastating news of the unexpected and tragic murder of my daughter Rosemene Decius, leaving us with an immense void that can never be filled. She was not only a devoted mother, daughter, sister, and friend but also an embodiment of love, kindness, and compassion. Amidst our grief, we are now faced with the daunting task of carrying on and ensuring a bright future for the two precious children she leaves behind. Rosemene, a single mother, had already experienced the heart-wrenching loss of their father, and now her children are left without both parents, facing unimaginable hardship and sorrow. Rosemene devoted her life to nurturing her two beloved children, giving them the support and inspiration needed to grow into the incredible individuals they are today. We are reaching out for help and support during this difficult period. Our goal is to ensure that the children are provided with the support they need to move forward and alleviate the financial burden that comes with day-to-day expenses. The funds raised will contribute towards living expenses, continuing their education, and any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. Your contribution will provide them with the means to pursue their dreams and honor the memory of their loving mother. With deepest appreciation, Loved ones of Rosemene Decius https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2024/07/10/she-didnt-deserve-it-missing-woman-who-was-murdered-found-in-accused-boyfriends-trunk-jso-says/
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