

I am reaching out to our family, friends, and community as many of you know and love my Papa, Graham Stegemann. He is one of the best, and he is in need of our support. In April, my Papa (83) was out and about in Washburn early before work when he slipped and fell hard on the ice. This left him in severe pain, and unable to stand for any length of time. He attempted to work through his recovery and felt with time the pain would subside. Unfortunately, that was not the case. In June the pain intensified to where he was having to take days off work, and leave early when he did go in. The pain was in his lower back and shooting down his leg. On July 6th, after being unable to sleep due to heightened and unbearable pain, my Papa called me at dawn and we immediately drove to the ER at MMC. After a CAT scan, it was discovered he'd suffered a major hernia and would need to undergo immediate surgery. Thanks to the wonderful talent at MMC, the surgery was a success and late that evening we returned home to my anxiously awaiting Mama. Though the first days were still very painful, each day we see improvement. Papa is now running errands and cooking for the family. He is eager to return to work, see his friends, and make a full recovery. These health issues have brought with them serious financial issues and stress regarding loss of wages and healthcare costs. I am reaching out for community support to get him and my Mama, Emma, through this tough period. Donations would be greatly appreciated and every bit helps. ****** My parents' story has always been truly inspiring to me. They grew up in South Africa and have been together for 55 years. They immigrated to the United States in their mid 50's, with their suitcases and their grit. My Mama, Emma, has been cutting hair since she was 16 years old, and this year she will celebrate 70 years of cutting (yes, you read that right!!). She is your favorite hairstylist, and still going strong four days a week. My Papa, Graham (or Gray, as he goes by), has set tiles in many of your homes, and in more recent years has become your friendly wine sommelier at the IGA. He's the gentleman in the checkout lane with the big smile, happy to be there! These two are extraordinary in their determination, their love of life, and their love for each other. Thank you so much for taking the time to hear their story. In gratitude, Liesl

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