

My dad Shane Tucker, his wife Stacy, and myself have been blessed by the outpouring of love and prayers during the last seven weeks of health scares for him. We've been hesitant to consider asking for assistance in this way, but the reality is that there are very real financial difficulties ahead. Dad hasn't been able to work during this time and faces more treatment ahead, meaning more bills and time away from work. We appreciate any and all support that you are open to providing at this time. To provide some context: Back in May, a rollercoaster of medical challenges began for Dad and Stacy. First, Dad spent a few days in the ICU after losing a significant amount of blood due to a bleeding ulcer. We thought he was on the mend until we found ourselves back at Utah Valley Hospital with Dad battling sepsis and an infection in his liver and blood. He had been in the hospital for two weeks and through the power of prayer, the incredible support shown by our loved ones, and the phenomenal medical personnel and caretakers there, he was able to return home just two days ago. That being said, Dad and Stacy are not going to be back to “business as usual” any time soon: he’ll continue to have a PICC line for daily IV antibiotics and a medical drain to continue to remove the infection from his liver. (Dad survived a childhood cancer that took his lymph nodes and spleen…leaving him more vulnerable to infection now as an adult.) When he has recovered sufficiently from the infection, he’ll be scheduled for open heart surgery. There is a long road to recovery in front of him and we are beyond grateful for your continued support.

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