Hello Everyone, A brilliant young man came to Canada to persue his dreams. Unfortunately he has been diagnosed with Lymphoma Stage 4. Doctors said it is curable with proper treatment. He only completed 1 year of his 2 year's masters program. He is currently admitted and receiving treatment at Private Hospital in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. With his savings from the part time job and financial support from his parents he had gone through 2 chemos. Until now, his family spent about Rs. 7,00,000 which is approximately 11,500 CAD. They’ve arranged an amount from savings & loans. In the next few days, we need Rs.25,00,000 which is 40000CAD more for further treatment. His family needs financial support for the treatment as all the money has been spent. we need more support that's when we get to know about this platform. We need support from all of you. Please help my friend to recover. Any contribution will be of immense help. Do contribute and share this crowdfunding fundraiser link with your friends and family.
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