

This is Henry Ramirez III and here's information about my dilemma. In April, 2024 I was hospitalized for 2 weeks. MY final diagnosis was a rare form of lymphoma cancer. I have gone through extensive chemo treatment at a pretty rapid pace and have not looked back. I have been going through therapy treatments and need to purchase medical equipment as I am no longer as mobile as before. The insurance I carry through my employer has covered a great deal, but there are several parts of cancer, including the chemo itself that are not covered. The medical equipment, copays and ongoing treatment / medicine have been putting a huge dent in my own and my family’s pockets. We have closed savings and retirement accounts as due dates have come and gone and now I am finding it hard to stay afloat. I also reached out to many well know state, county and non-profit organizations for assistance. It was a very educational journey to find that there are actual lists of cancers out there that they stick to and unfortunately my rare form doesn’t fit their profile needs. I have had several doors closed to my requests for help. I have done everything I can to not have to turn to my friends and the community that I have served all my life for help, but that time has passed and I am looking for your support. The amount is very steep, but it will help get me caught up on the medical and personal side that have been needing attention that I cannot provide. Some angels have already stepped up to the plate and sent a few donations along the way, but I need to reach out to you for the love I know you can provide. The money I am trying to raise will go towards • Cancer treatment o Including chemo therapy • Medical equipment o Mobility garments and wheel chairs o A mediport which is already a part of me • Caregiver support o Gas and compensation for drivers and other help from volunteers and family that have been helping me • Co-pays o For multiple doctor, therapy and treatment visits o For medicine • Insurance o Insurance is expensive and I have to pay out of pocket to be able to continue receiving treatment • Every day needs o Mortgage, utilities, etc EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS. I MAY NOT MEET MY GOAL, BUT YOUR LOVE WILL HELP NO MATTER THE AMOUNT - THANK YOU!!! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO WORK DIRECTLY WITH ME FOR YOUR DONATION, PLEASE CONTACT ME FOR PERSONAL ZELLE INFORMATION.

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