

As many of you know, Rylan became very ill on July 2, and was hospitalized in the PICU as doctors tried to determine what was happening. He had been experiencing a terrible headache and had vomited before going unconscious. After much testing, it was found that Rylan had a congenital defect called Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) that would require brain surgery. The neurogsurgeon successfully performed the surgery on Wednesday, July 5, and since then Rylan has been showing wonderful signs of healing. Rylan's parents have been by his bedside since this first began and will continue to need support in many ways, including financial, as the costs of Rylan's many tests, continued days in the PICU, surgery, and around-the-clock care will add up. As there are still many unknowns, we would like to support them the best we can as related to these costs. So many of you are already donating/supporting by providing prayers, kind words, food, gift cards, etc., but we kindly ask if you are able to donate to support ongoing hospital costs, it would be of great help to Rylan's family, so that they can continue to put their focus on his recovery.

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