Hi, my name is Alexis and I want to thank you for taking the time to read our story. If you know my father Danny Martinez, you already know that he is the most hard working man, who has the biggest heart and makes anyone he meets feel as though they’ve been friends forever. A few years ago, my father was diagnosed with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NASH/NAFLD. He has undergone treatment at Mayo Clinic, Rochester. However due to changes in healthcare, his care was changed over to Northwestern Hospital in Chicago. For the past year, he has been traveling back and forth for MRI’s, CTs, Sonograms and blood work every 3 months. Recently, he was told that his former diagnosis of NASH/NAFLD, has progressed into an aggressive form liver cancer. He now is receiving radiation therapy to help manage his tumor in hopes to prevent the spread of cancer. He has also been put at the top of the transplant list in hopes he will receive a match. Unfortunately, this diagnosis will require weeks of treatment and unexpected medical expenses such as secondary insurance costs, co pays, medications, and transportation. On behalf of the Martinez family, we would appreciate any amount given to provide our father with the resources he needs to alleviate some of the financial stress and focus on spending time with his family. If you are unable to donate, we ask you to keep him in your prayers. He is a true fighter and role model to us all!
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