

Armando García Pérez, of Mexican origin, is 61 years old, single, with 2 children. He came to the United States 23 years ago. After practicing various trades, like all of us who come to this country, Armando found his vocation in the kitchen, which led him to work in Food Trucks selling Colombian, Mexican, and Peruvian food, where he learned the secrets of the culinary art of some countries. For a little over a decade, after having worked in food trucks, he had to venture into street vending because the owner of the truck chose to sell it. In 2017, Armando had a setback in his health, in the hospital he was diagnosed with kidney failure, which after a short time led to the need to undergo dialysis, to this day he depends on this machine to be able to live. Armado receives dialysis 3x a week, the resignation of seeing his companions disappear little by little, he is aware that his health is fragile. Two years ago, part of his foot was amputated, however, that was not an impediment to continue working, during the pandemic, he sold masks in the Fordham Road in the Bronx, it is incredible how a person with these types of limitations, he refuses to let himself win the game in the face of so many adversities that life puts us in the way. Months ago, he went to a medical appointment for a general check-up and a slight infection in his foot, the hospital retained him for several tests. After all those exams and a month hospitalized, being one day away from being discharged, he received bad news, the last X-rays showed that the infection had advanced to the bone and to prevent it from progressing they necessarily had to amputate a part of the leg to before the knee. This type of news is what destabilizes us morally and it is then that, drawing conclusions, it seems to us that fate is merciless with us. At first it was difficult for him to accept it, but thanks to God and the support of his friends and family, he has been able to overcome it. This warrior flatly refuses to be part of the statistics and feels that God has him alive with a purpose and longs to see his grandchildren grow up and continue helping his family as he has always done. Being in the hospital these last few months has affected him significantly financially, the receipts for renting his room and other expenses have been accumulating, being unpayable and running the chance of being completely helpless. The current economic situation in the country has affected street vendors who, even in these circumstances, organized a bingo sponsored by the SVP vendor project, which allowed them to collect a small amount, which somewhat covered our comrade’s expenses. Armando counts the days to be able to join his work on the street, his optimism is not enough, the demand for masks has dropped significantly, this added to the fact that he does not have the capital to aspire to another type of business. This story is very hard to be able to write it, that is why we come to you, to the people who are able to help you with whatever they can, it will always be well received. We turn to the sensitivity of our neighbor, to be able to make the desire of having their own business come true, a Food Truck, which will give work to two more people and most importantly, will sow hope in a human being who is an example to follow and who He has the conviction that he will succeed and show us that the hand of God will bless each generous heart that wishes the best for our self-sacrificing companion.

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