Hello, my name is Ana have never started a LFEBridge account until today. Please consider helping my husband that got hit with bad luck yesterday! Martin is a very hard working man. He works from sun up to sun down with his mobile car wash business. Yesterday his van got stolen, ALL equipment stolen everything! That took a tremendous amount of work to purchase through the years. Martin is honorable, and although this devastating event happened last night. He is the epitome of the American dream, works hard everyday, for his family. My hope is to provide help my husband and our family . He did not ask me to do this. If you are blessed to have a little extra to spare, please help Martin get back on his feet, so he can continue to work and provide for his loved one’s. I would like to give an update, to all of you. With the money we have collected we are going to buy new equipment to start our business back up. So thank you to everybody who has already donated we feel the support from all around. We appreciate you all. God Bless
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