On Tuesday July 18th 2024 at or about 9am, MSGT Alexis Castillo went into work and once she arrived in the building, she had a massive headache come up and completely lost all of her vision and almost passed out. She was immediately rushed to Rideout Memorial Hospital in Marysville California by ambulance. When she arrived at Rideout memorial, she suffered and is still suffering further due to the inadequacies and ineffectiveness of this particular hospital. She did not receive at CT or CAT scan for over 10 hours after arriving via ambulance and did not receive any MRI for over 36 hours of being at the hospital. There has been no compassion or help at the hospital and we are current having her transferred to receive a higher level of care. Alexis has lost some mobility on her left side, has lost about 60% of her vision, having memory issues. On top of all that, this particular kind of stroke also produces visual hallucinations that have been pretty jarring and frightening to say the least. There’s going to be a long road to recovery and we don’t have much help here where we live in the way of the house and kids. I also am not working right now and have not since “the event”-it does not look like I will be able to work until Alexis is home and in a place where she can get everything she needs that will allow me to return to work. The kids don’t start school until August 16th so we also do not have any child care other than me for the most part. I have not been able to be at the hospital with Alexis very much at all and they refuse to allow or make any exception for an overnight visitor. About Alexis: Alexis is the phenomenal, unrivaled mother of 3 amazing, vibrant, smart and tenacious young ladies aged 12, 11 and 8 years old. Alexis has also accepted and been the same amazing mother in form of a step mom to my son Abel who is 7 years old. We are the Stacked “C” family- for Castillo and Carruth so all the kids have a last name they can all use together and it’s what we all refer our family as. Alexis is the glue that holds us together and she is extremely close with all the kids. She often makes individual time for each kid to snuggle them and give them whatever they need from her. She has treated Abel as her own since day ONE!! The little ones are not permitted to visit mom at rideout for whatever reason so the littles are really struggling right now. On top of being an unrivaled mother in our household, MSGT. Castillo has served our country selflessly, loyally and to the utmost standard of the military. Alexis loves the outdoors and can often be found wading in any kind of water looking for little creatures. This is one of the main things she loves to do with the kids too. We all are an outdoorsy family, we enjoy traveling and exploring nature the most. The cover photo here is of all 6 of us in the redwoods for spring break. Alexis has been sick for a long time yet she still powers through it just to catch a few sun rays and be with the kids nurturing their explorer sides and adventurous spirits. With all that being said, now we are looking to get mom transferred to a hospital that is actually capable and compassionate where Alexis can and will receive not only the care she deserve but also the dignity and respect she deserves which is never going to happen at rideout memorial hospital which also means we will have a much higher travel expenses as well as much higher bills associated with mom’s stay in the hospital and me not working losing a portion of our income. We are draining savings to stay afloat and it won’t last long enough to get us back to a financially stable place before we start losing what we have worked so hard for and spent all our adult lives earning for our kids. We are not asking for help to maintain a lifestyle, we are simply asking for help to get us through this medical and financial crisis. We are looking to minimize the impact on the kids as much as is possible. I cannot do it now but also if you have jobs needing done at your home, I am a craftsman/carpenter by trade but I do a bit of everything and I would be happy to trade work or perform work for any donation made no matter the amount, I’m just not sure when that would be. I also do HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), drywall, fixture replacement, receptacle replacement, painting, insulation, irrigation repair and just about anything else you can think of. We just need some help to stay afloat. I know just from the 6 years I have been with Alexis that she is the first to donate, help or otherwise give of herself to others and I know there’s a lot of people out there that want to return it to her. Even if you cannot donate financially, if you can share this, it will be a tremendous favor never forgotten by our family. Lastly I just want to say that Alexis has seized the bull by the horns and is making the most of each and every day by doing exercises to bring back mobility, speech therapy, and will be doing vision therapy asap. We have a long long long road ahead of us but it’s nothing the Stacked C cannot handle. God will never give us more than we can handle and we know this
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