

Hi, my name is Kristi Brown and I’m raising money to help cover costs of any and all medical needs for my daughter, Skylar, while she struggles with having Achalasia. Skylar has been battleing non-stop with not being able to swallow any food which has caused her to loose just at 30 pounds now. After being seen by several doctors, ENTs, GI specialists and surgeons Skylar was finally diagnosed with Achalasia June of 2024. Achalasia is a rare disorder making it difficult for food and liquid to pass into the stomach; affecting only 1 in 1 million children. Achalasia results from damage to nerves in the food tube (esophagus), preventing the esophagus from squeezing food into the stomach. We don’t know what caused this and there currently is no cure. She will battle with this for the rest of her life. We are trying to get her to a hospital in Washington DC to have what is called a POEM (per-oral esophageal myotomy) in hopes that will give her relief so she can finally eat again and live as close to normal life as possible. Funds raised would go towards items needed to help Skylar combat symptoms and make her more comfortable. Also to help us get back and forth to the hospital in Washington DC where she’ll receive treatment and to make the trip as stress free as possible on Skylar.

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