

Simon’s Town School 2016 Budget Needs100% of all proceeds will go DIRECTLY to Simon's Town School to benefit the CHILDREN!Greetings from South Africa! As many of my friends and family are aware, I’m currently located in South Africa in Simon’s Town volunteering my time and resources to assist the Simon’s Town School.  This school was started 200 years ago and has undergone many changes over the years and has served many different students. Since the end of apartheid, the school now serves 870 learners from Grade R (Kindergarten) to Grade 12.  The majority of students come from the peninsula areas townships and are extremely impoverished and in need of even basic housing, food and other day to day needs.  Currently, Simon’s Town operates as a fee based school, in that it is primarily English speaking and all subjects are taught in English, rather than the home languages of its learners. This is intended to provide a higher standard of learning and more opportunity for its students upon matriculation.  The schools operating funds are collected primarily from fees at 75%, and 25% comes from the WCED, (The Western Cape Education Department) donations and fund raising. The WCED only provides a total of 231K ZAR (the equivalent of $20K USD) to this schools operating budget.  Although it is fee based, the school accepts learners on a “first come, first serve” application basis, without discrimination of ability to pay.  Households without any income can apply for exemption and exemptions are granted strictly on a proven household income basis. There are not any 100% exemptions although many fees do go unpaid entirely. Simon’s Town recognizes that this is not the fault of the students, but the parents’ ability to pay, so students are not turned away or expelled for failure to pay.With that...the school is in DIRE need of teaching materials, text books, food for lunches, paper, transportation for students, and many other needs too numerous to mentionObviously we can not fix all the problems here with this school....and I am personally providing much need English reading books to 7 primary classes. As well, I am donating all my charitable contribution money to for 2015 to the school.  Throughout the year I am pledging to personally cover their needs for peanut butter for sandwiches, which is currently only being provided through private contributions.  So now, I am coming to all of you to ask you to help me raise much needed funds for this project.  Children are our future...and we can't afford to let our human resources be passed over.   This will be a HUGE ASSIST to this community.  May you be guided by your hearts and desire to help in our global community. Please help me help them and give generously and I thank you all in advance!

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