

Shogun was the best of the best when it came to dogs. He was loyal, gentle (except for his tail, that thing hurt), a beautiful eaxmple of the pit bull breed, had a personality like no other, and was loved by everyone he came in contact with.  He made naysayers change their mind about the bully breeds. He encouraged so many of us humans to adopt dogs of all breeds in hopes we would get a dog just like Shogun, but there will only be one Shogun. He was an amazing dog because of the love and dedication he received from his mom and dad. Niki and Eddie have dedicated themselves to help save the bully breeds and after seven faithful years Shogun unexpectedly took his voyage home.   We may never be able to relieve the pain that Niki and Eddie feel in their hearts, but we can help with the pain of paying Shoguns' vet bills. After 12 days in the hospital Shoguns' vet bills have reached over $10,000 and don't think for a second that Niki and Eddie wouldn't do it all over again.  They have given so much to all of us, been to our kids birthday partied, our birthdays partied, weddings, BBQ's ,dinners, helped with a word of advice or just listened when we needed someone.  We all love Niki and Eddie and we all loved Shogun so please help me raise money to help them out. They do not know that I have set this up for them nor did they ask for this.   They would take this burden on themselves and never ask for anything, it's not their style, but today we need to give back and help them out.  Any and all donations are greatly appreciated and will go to help pay this large vet bill.  Thank you and rest easy Sho Sho we love you!!!

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