Hello, my name is Heather and I’ve created this account to help my sister and her family. As many of you know Shannon is battling her second round of stage 4 breast cancer and has developed lymphedema and a large open wound in her chest she’s been undergoing multiple treatments with a multitude of doctors in four different hospitals. She’s had a double mastectomy, at least seven surgeries, two full rounds of radiation, three different types of chemo and is preparing to start a fourth. She worked full time through March of this year when she was in so much pain she could no longer function. She took medical leave and has been battling every since. Sadly, even with all the treatments, her cancer has continued to spread to the lining of her lung. She spent 26 days in Advent health about a month ago. While there has been progress on some fronts, there has been ground lost on others. Shannon is fighting but she is physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. We prayed for Gods leading and he led us to Dr Daly who advised Shannon to begin treating her wound with turmeric and changing her diet to eliminate sugars, acids and carbs. In two weeks she has had incredible results. He referred her to Lifeworks Wellness Center in Clearwater, FL. Dr. David Minkoff, the owner/founder is a pioneer in innovative and functional medicine, developing unique and effective treatment protocols for a variety of health conditions. They search for underlying causes for unwanted conditions and symptoms. It is a comprehensive integrative oncology approach encompassing a whole body approach to aggressively attack cancer and build the immune system to support healthy cells and kill cancer cells. It’s a multi faceted approach that will include her working with her current oncologist and beginning the new chemo in the near future. Shannon went last Friday for a consultation and believes this is the right place for her. She will begin on Wednesday July 5th. Her plan includes 12 weeks of intensive treatments. This will include 8 hours daily Monday-Friday. The center does not accept insurance and the cost is approximately $5000 per week, totaling almost $60,000. Her family is struggling to make up for her lost income and mounting medical bills. She applied for disability and has been approved but that won’t start until October. We are sharing a need and asking for those who are able to consider a donation. We have family in St Pete that have graciously offered for Shannon and a caregiver to stay in their home for the 12 weeks. We’re so grateful for this blessing! We will take turns spending the weeks with her to care for her and drive her to the center daily. We believe this is her greatest chance for survival and we’re praying for total healing. We’re trusting God and striving to praise him through the storm. We’re so thankful to know that she is never alone. He is with her every step of the way. We appreciate your prayers and support!
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