

We urgently need your help to make a profound difference in the life of Enrique Hernandez. He has been suffering severe, life-altering complications from a COVID infection since June 2024. Sgt. Hernandez served in the U.S. Army from 2008 to 2017. During a tour in Korea in 2009, he won Iron Soldier of Area IV. From 2010 to 2011, he served a tour in Afghanistan, stationed at FOB Kalagush, in Nuristan Province. He later served as a drill sergeant in Fort Benning. Before his illness, he was fit and active. He ran 3-4 miles daily, played in a soccer league, and loved being outdoors. He is a self-described nerd who played competitive Pokemon, collected comic books, and regularly attended wrestling shows. He worked as a student advisor at a university, and he especially enjoyed his work with student veterans. In June 2024, following a mild COVID infection, Enrique was hospitalized with heart attack-like symptoms. Over the next few months, he would be hospitalized another ten times. He underwent dozens of scans, tests, and procedures, but doctors never found anything conclusive. His health continued to deteriorate and by October 2024 he was unable to walk or do basic activities on his own. He became, and still is, mostly bedbound and now uses a wheelchair whenever he’s able to get out of bed. Finally, after months of suffering and many trips to the ER, a doctor recommended that Enrique undergo a cardiac MRI which revealed that he had myocarditis. The virus had attacked his heart, causing swelling and permanent scarring. Enrique has been diagnosed with Long COVID, though we’re still seeking out new specialists and working to better understand this condition. This illness has affected every facet of his life. He experiences constant chest pain and shortness of breath. Often, he’s jolted awake gasping for air, feeling a tight grip on his chest. His head and neck are consistently, painfully stiff, making it very difficult to sit up or stand. There are days when he is in so much pain and so drained of energy, that he can barely lift his head or his arms. His wife, Amaris, is his primary caretaker. In addition to her full-time job, she assists him with all essential tasks, goes with him to every medical appointment, and takes care of their home. Because of his compromised immunity, they rarely go out or see friends, making isolation another consequence of Enrique’s illness. Thankfully, there is promising research on Long COVID emerging every day. Enrique is currently enrolled in two Long COVID research trials and they have found some caring doctors to work with. But because very little is known about long COVID, treatments are still experimental and usually not covered by insurance. Enrique’s medications cost nearly $600 a month, along with copays and other fees, travel to multiple doctors every month, plus the expense of necessary medical equipment, totals nearly $1,000 a month in medical costs. We also recently learned that Enrique needs urgent eye surgery to treat advanced keratoconus or he will lose vision in his left eye. Insurance will not cover this $10,000 procedure. Every dollar donated will be used for treatment to improve Enrique’s quality of life. The road to full recovery will be very long, but we know that it’s possible. Our $20,000 goal is just a start. Unfortunately, we know that there are huge financial barriers that will require more than our set goal. But every dollar donated represents a step toward recovery and will help us pursue cutting-edge treatments. Donate today and be part of Enrique's journey towards recovery and restoration. Thank you for your generosity and unwavering support. Fall 2015, Graduation from Drill Sergeant Academy, Fort Jackson, South Carolina Halloween 2024, dressed like Ethan Winters WrestleMania XXXVII in Tampa, April 2024 October 2024, using a wheelchair regularly, walking is too painful June 2024, bedbound most days, Professor Sprinkles is always close

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