Sadly, childhood cancer has struck our family again. Our nephew, Seth, has been diagnosed with a very rare childhood cancer- MPAL (Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia), a combination of ALL and AML leukemias. If this wasn't scary enough, his genetic testing came back with the findings of MDS pre-leukemia cells and unfavorable genetics. To date, his doctors have been unable to find another child in the world with a match to his cytogenetics and cancer. Because of this, his parents are needing some financial support to help get him through treatments on a very long, unknown road they have found themselves on in efforts to help their son. Due to the medical findings thus far, Seth will be moving toward a bone marrow transplant as soon as it is safe to do so. They will be traveling to the transplant hospital and will be there for at least one month. In the meantime, he is getting weekly chemo treatments to help get and keep the cancer cells at bay while they line things up for the bone marrow transplant. They have had many unexpected expenses, and his dad has had to take time off work for in-patient stays. His port has already had to be replaced, infections are a huge concern, and a PICC line has been temporarily placed so he can still receive treatments. With Seth having multiple weekly appointments and needing so much home care, Tiffany has to focus solely on Seth. With the numerous visits, travel expenses are adding up. In addition to those expenses, they now have more medical costs, co-pays, and non-covered items they must obtain. This wonderful family has given the shirt off their backs to help others. They NEVER ask for help, but they desperately need it this time. There are a lot of uncharted waters they are getting ready to cross and need all the help they can get in the battle to save their son.
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