

Folks, over the years I've seen Dave & Virginia helping people. I've seen them devote years of their lives to teaching and serving God's people in China. I've seen them raise money for youth missions. I've seen Grandma teach, I've seen Grandpa build. I've seen their kindness, their generosity, their hospitality. I've seen their open hearts to orphans, how they give all they have to serve people and to serve God. I've seen them volunteer, open their home and foster kids in need, give all their time, money, and resources to people who need it. I've seen them give, give, and give some more. Isn't it time we give something to them?A few months ago, Grams told to me she deeply desires to visit the Holy Land. She and Gramps want to experience the land of the Bible, walk where Jesus walked. Just this week, an opportunity opened up where we can send both of them on an all-expenses paid (flight, hotel, food, tour) trip to Israel for 1/3rd the normal cost.Can you serve David & Virginia? Can you honor them by giving them an experience of a lifetime in the Holy Land? Please chip in anything you are able as a way to honor them for their righteous service to all of us and to God. Grams and Gramps will be grateful.

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