

This is my brother Sebastián Delgado, an agricultural engineer specialized in golf courses, a young man passionate about his profession and his life. In 2019 he obtained a job opportunity in Los Cabos Mexico and there my brother's medical history began. In September 2019 Sebastian moved to Cabo San Lucas Mexico for a work opportunity, a few months after being there, Sebastian received a diagnosis of Peritoneal Mesothelioma. From there, exams, biopsies, medical and oncological appointments began to see what state he was in, what was the process to follow, what treatment he would receive, in addition to the emotional blow of receiving such a diagnosis at 27 years old. Always with his faith intact, a tremendous trust in God and all the attitude to face the situation. The discomfort began, the pain, the tests continued, he was still working in Los Cabos, and in mid-December due to the type of tumor and its aggressiveness they decided that they would operate on him, and would perform a procedure called Hipec. HIPEC (Hyperthermic IntraPeritoneal Chemotherapy) consists of combining cytoreductive surgery (removal of all tumor implants inside the abdomen) with the administration of a dose of chemotherapy in the same surgical act. This process is very expensive and being a foreigner resulted in very large expenses that the family has had to deal with. This surgery was performed on February 6, 2024, it lasted approximately 12 hours, and after the procedure my brother was in the ICU where we realized that because there were many blooms of small tumors located in the final part that connects the large intestine, they had performed a colostomy, something that we never expected. Part of his recovery was in Mexico City, but due to the start of the Covid 19 Pandemic, he had to return to Colombia and, due to his health condition, resign from his job in Los Cabos. His recovery process continued in Colombia, with all possible care and precautions, they performed chemotherapy sessions that in theory would help the process of eliminating Peritoneal Mesothelioma. After his chemotherapy sessions and tests to verify that there were no tumors and that it was possible to perform surgery that would allow him to be reconnected and eliminate the colostomy, he had surgery in May 2024. The surgery was successful and months after he received recommendations of the oncologist doctors and surgeons who handle my brother's case, he began the search for a new job opportunity which landed him as a superintendent in a golf course in Cancun. Therefore, in the month of August 2024 he begins his journey of starting over. Being there living and working in Cancun, he undergoes routine and control exams and in the month of October after feeling some aches and pains, he undergoes an urgent tomography, and to his surprise, the results show that he has abdominal tumors again encapsulated in four zones of the intestine, liver, spleen, and stomach. He consults with his oncologist and his other specialists and after some tests and others they confirm that the cancer has returned and that they should operate as soon as possible. This makes my brother in December 2024 leave his work again in Cancun and return to Colombia to undergo surgery. His surgery was performed on February 9, 2024, where they performed the HIPEC since it is the only treatment that can act on this type of carcinoma. During surgery the tumors were larger than expected and 20% of his liver had to be removed as well as his spleen. Thank God they were able to remove all the tumors visible to the eye! Chemotherapy (HIPEC)was performed, and the surgery went well. He started another chemotherapy treatment in August 2024, and immunotherapy in March 2024, not getting the best results after it, tumors showed up again, and they are right now in abdomen, along the chest and lungs. Unfortunately, In June 2024 He experienced a pleural effusion in his left lung due to disease´s progression, right now we are waiting for the next surgery to remove tumors of his left lung, trying to help somehow to reduce his pain and discomfort. As Family, we are looking for different options around the world, we completely understand how rare this disease is, but we want to cover every single available option for Sebastian, that´s why we are now abord of the medical trial alternatives or treatments out of Colombia. It is going to be more than 3 years with this disease, but even so and with all that this implies, he has never lost faith, hope, strength! Even though he falls, he gets up with more strength and encouragement to move forward. His life is full of dreams, faith, and an extremely motivating work ethic! It is a living testimony of the strength and hope that comes from having complete abandonment and trust in God. It is a reflection that in great suffering and pain, we can accompany Christ to carry his cross. We as a family are with him every moment and we will continue by his side in every step and process so that he can continue building his life! The support of his family and friends make his strength greater. We have the conviction and trusting faith that everything will turn out very well!

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