Hi, my name is Steph, a family friend of Julie and Todd Scarborough. Unfortunately on the evening of July 14th, a fire took off in the rear of their home, and it quickly spread to damage most of their home. Eventually, we hope the home insurance will help take care of damages but in the meantime, their family of 5 and their doggo are displaced. We are hoping to help ease the burden of this tragedy by helping them cover lodging and living expenses as they just had the clothes on their back and what they could salvage after the fire marshall cleared the area. They are very reluctant to ask for help. However, they are very active members of our community. They both work full-time plus run a family business that hires local teens. They are always involved in their kid's sports as coaches, girl scout leaders, and on the PTA boards at their kid's schools. They are great people who had an unfortunate accident. If you can give to help them during this time, it would mean the world. Funds will be used to provide them interim housing and buy new daily living supplies for their 5, 12 and 14-year-old children.
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