

We hope that at least made you smile. Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. So how did we get here? You may know that in 2024 Julie was diagnosed with breast cancer. She tackled chemo through the summer months and then took on a double mastectomy in September, her head held high all the while. December ushered in a reconstruction, allowing us to face 2024 with a fresh start. The scans and check-ups were clear for the entirety of 2024 and even into 2024. As we were settling into our new normal, cancer was licking its wounds. March's check-up raised concern, and April's results confirmed her cancer was back. It's a local reoccurrence and has not metastasized, so there's the silver lining. Why do we need help? After consulting with oncologists, there wasn't anything new in their game plan. It would be another march through chemo, to surgery, except this time, we'd not have a long-term reconstruction option. The solution. After consulting with a couple more doctors and a lot of research, Julie's preferred next steps are to undergo several cell therapy infusions, revamp supplement protocols, and additional labs. This battle plan consists of a rotating protocol to keep the pressure on and avoid treatment resistance while strengthening her immune system to fight. Unfortunately, this is a costly route, and insurance isn't riding shotgun. Where's the money going? After some serious comparison shopping, the tallying hit us like a 2x4 to the face. We're looking at $111,829.28 to complete the prescribed treatment. Not great, but it could be worse. That's when we heard this could be a 5-year process. So here's a rundown of the major points: Treatment is outside of insurance $489.82 monthly in supplements $394 weekly IV infusions Possible travel to Texas for specialists How can you help? First, thanks for getting this far and taking the time to come here and consider donating. There are a few ways to help: We covet your prayers most of all - for Julie, myself, and our kids You can donate here to this GFM page Purchase an original Cyanotype Print from Julie's shop* or Instagram* Pick up a poster, print, or stickers from Doc's shop* If Venmo is your jam you can find us there. Help is to help spread the word about this Every little bit will help. Julie and I both know that financially supporting this isn't possible for everyone. For those that can, we are so grateful. For those of you who can't, thank you for spreading the word and sharing this where ever you can. We are hopeful and encouraged by the outpouring of love and support these last few months! Thank you so much. *Thanks for your patience. We're not Amazon Prime shipping. We will do our best to get them out in a timely manner between medical appointments.

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