

Hey, My Name is Alex Hardie. I am reaching out to any who are willing to listen. my family is in dire straights right now. we all suffer from physical and or mental disabilities and have been struggling to get sufficient help. our story is long and grueling but for the sake of this, I will be as concise as possible. there are 5 of us living here, me, my father, mother, brother and his girlfriend. at this moment our only income is my father's social security income. and a rather small income that one of us was provided to be another one of our PCAs. One of us suffers from Parkinson's disease, one of us suffers from severe lymphedema, and the rest of us suffer from extreme mental health disorders. to that point, not even a month ago I was hospitalized for panic after about a month-long period of daily panic attacks while being on a powerful anxiety med (we have been as a family relatively challenging to treat with pharmaceuticals.) when I was hospitalized I was shown the video linked to this post. this video motivated me to start reaching out to my community and this is part of that. I must be honest though so far therapy, social services and other dedicated local "helping" agencies have been hardly helpful. we are even in the course of an appeal with our social services for only providing 3 1/2 hours of PCA care for my merely bedridden mother. Money is very tight and morale is low. I desperately want to help my family but am unable to due to my mental health. I cannot attend therapy like I should because one of the symptoms of my condition is a shifting circadian rhythm. in other words, I am unable to control my sleep schedule. it does so at unpredictable times and for unpredictable durations. I have had two sleep studies that have no idea what the problem may be. I theorize it is a cumulative symptom of all of my mental health disorders and perhaps a few other factors. this causes me to sleep through therapy appointments on occasion and has gotten me kicked out of getting help. so many of us have become so crippled by circumstance and by not receiving help due to frankly bizarre rulings that baffle and offend me to this day. (as an example: my mom doesn't qualify for disability because of a lack of work credits due to many years of home daycare work. The job that helped others and brought her such joy. ) we are not worthless or lazy we just need a lot of help before we can stand on our own. and because so many local agencies have refused to help I ask that you, whoever is reading this help. anything helps. I set 2.5k as a starting goal but that only pulls us out of a financial emergency. we will remain in dire straights for a long while after that, please continue to donate after our goal is met. every dollar will help. we are desperate. the house needs repairs, we need medical equipment, bills and debts need to be paid and we need to pay for groceries. these are all things we are struggling to do now.

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