

Hello my name is Shelby Johnson. I have a very heavy heart as I write this. I'm sure you all know my best friend Sarah Davis. She is such a bright light in this world, and the most genuine person I have ever met. Sarah is currently battling multiple medical issues. She is in stage four liver failure, which is causing problems with her aortic valve causing her other issues with her heart. She's also battling gallbladder stones, and been diagnosed with a rare blood disorder. All of these issues can make her very sick very quickly. Due to the rare blood disorder she is not eligible for a liver transplant until the blood disorder is taken care of. She has started a twelve week trial of treatment for this, but due to the amount of scar tissue and damage to her liver already they are not hopeful the first round will work. Which in that case she will start another twelve week trial. Her liver is to damaged for biopsy as of now. She's trying her best to stay at work through this but with the progression we are unsure how long she will be able to continue working. I'm asking for Sarah any donations to help her with medical expenses, gas to get to and from appointments, bills for when she can no longer work, food ect! As her best friend I want her to worry about NOTHING but getting better! Thank you all so much! Please share #NoOneFightsAlone #HerFightIsMyFight #SarahStrong

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