

I’m raising money for my superhero 8 year old cousin Rupert. My aim is to run the Cheltenham Half Marathon on September 3rd 2024, followed by the Brighton Marathon on 7th April 2024. This challenge won’t be easy, seeing as I’ve never ran further than 7 miles, however it is something I’m really looking forward to doing in order to help my amazing cousin out! A little more about Rupert… Rupert is a surviving twin born at just 23 weeks. He defeated the odds and came home after a 142 day stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. He is a gorgeous little guy, with big blue eyes, an infectious smile and giggle and is simply wonderful. Rupert suffered extensive brain injury in utero and as a result he has severe quadriplegic cerebral palsy (CP), dystonia, epilepsy and severe visual impairment. He is non-mobile, non-verbal, has profound and multiple learning disability (PMLD) and is fed via a feeding tube. Now here is where I and you come in… There is lots that can be done to help support Rupert’s development and most of all to make his life one of joy, love and laughter. His family love to take him for walks in the countryside and beach near where they live and for this they need a specialist off-road wheelchair/buggy. Rupert has outgrown his current one and a new one would be absolutely amazing, however this comes at a significant cost! My aim for this challenge is therefore to raise £2800 as this would go some way towards getting Rupert the new buggy! Any contributions you can make would make the world of difference to Rupert and his family!

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