Hi, I am Nicole and the Mom of Rockwhel. He has had a rough start since the day he was born. He was born prematurely and he suffered from the cord wrapped around his neck, dislocated shoulder, collapsed lung and went into cardiac arrest. He was airlifted to Peoria Children’s Hospital from Danville, Illinois. Since November 2024, he has unfortunately been dealing with more extensive medical issues. Rockwhel is 14 months old and weighs barely 18 pounds. His current diagnoses are Failure to Thrive, Global Developmental Delay, Hypotonia and having an NG feeding tube placed because, he isn’t able to swallow food without choking. More extensive testing results are pending. He has had several hospital admissions, with the latest being June 27th to July 10th. We are having to drive from Danville to Peoria, Bloomington and Cincinnati for specialized Aero-esophageal care, medical care & various specialist appointments he needs for quality of life. Currently, we are waiting for admission dates at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital for x3 separate surgeries Rockwhel is needing. Along with Rockwhel, my husband and I also have x4 other children; ages 4, 8, 10 and 16. We have no local family around to assist us. We are struggling to pay our bills, gas, vehicle maintenance and travel expenses. Yes, my husband and I both have jobs. I’m a School Bus Driver and my husband was working as a Rural Postman. Unfortunately, my husband was severely mauled by a dog, on July 17th, 2024 and is on unpaid medical leave. Workman's Comp only paid for 45 days of lost wages and is still refusing to pay, even though, my husband's doctors have still not released him back to work. This makes me the sole provider for our family. Due to having to care for my husband, Rockwhel and my other x4 children, I am also unable to work. I have reached out to local organizations for assistance and unfortunately there isn’t any current funding available. This is why I am humbly asking for help publicly. Normally, I’m a very private person, but I’m to the point where I have no else to turn, but to share our story to the public, in hopes of getting assistance financially. Thank you for reading, sharing our story and for helping in any way! **All donations will be used for any unpaid medical bills and/or medical equipment/prescriptions not covered by insurance, gas to and from appointments, necessary vehicle maintenance, household bills, lodging and food. Kindly, Nicole & Family
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