

Hi Everyone, Robert, as you all know, is a hardworking, kind, quiet, humble, down-to-earth, and caring individual. Unfortunately, he has recently suffered a medical emergency and has been in the hospital for over 8 days now. He, being the hard-working and dedicated man that he is, brushed off the original signs that something was wrong with his body. Those original aches turned into insufferable pain, which forced him to leave work and seek immediate medical help. Once he arrived at the hospital, it was confirmed that his appendix had ruptured. His appendix was so inflamed that the hospital staff wanted to wait to remove it. Since then, countless unforseen circumstances have occurued, and Robert is still stuck in the hospital with no clear path to getting better. For those who don't know, Robert has multiple family members that rely on him to assit them financially and as a caregiver. Not only are the medical expenses astronomical but his time away from work and family cannot be quantified. We want to give Robert the sound of mind that his family will be okay, at least financially, while he gets better. We kindly ask you to donate and help alleviate some of the stress off of his shoulders as he navigates this difficult time. Robert is a good man, through and through. He is always willing to help his friends, family, and coworkers, no questions asked. Now it's our time to help him. Love you all

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