

This is a brief incite to the journey of Robb so far. As many people might be aware, Robb accidentally hit his head at home on the corner of a cupboard door. This caused a piece of skull to lodge itself into his brain. As a result, after a year of doctor/hospital appointments, Robb was then diagnosed with a brain tumor and Leukemia. He spent 3 months in the hospital in Las Palmas and 5 operations later on his brain and skull they managed to remove the largest of the tumors, but in the mean time the leukemia has caused several more tumors in his brain, 1 on his lung and 2 in the marrowbone of his hip. He is currently having to spend a lot of time and money traveling to and from Gran Canaria for his immunotherapy treatment. He has been told he will be there this time for 1 month. His illness is not curable , they can just try to keep the tumors in remission where possible. Obviously for him there are huge financial consequences. He has had to pay out hundreds of Euros so far for expenses of which so far he has been unable to claim back from the state. Meanwhile he also has to pay his rent in Caleta even though he is spending more time in GC. Robb is currently on long term sickness pay from work but as you can imagine the sickness benefit after a certain time covers very little. The stress of the illness, side effects from medication and financial stress are immense and are really taking its toll on his wellbeing. He's worked all his life and always been self sufficient, but that now sadly is not the case. Many people have asked if they can do anything to help him, so I'm asking if any of you could or would be kind enough to donate to this fundraiser, any amount would be so much appreciated. This is not a short term condition, it's a life long one. The smallest of donations will really make a difference in relieving some of the pressure and stress and make life that little bit easier for Robb in this very challenging time of his life. Thank you for taking the time to read this, Robb is not just our work colleague he's our friend too ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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