

UPDATE: On July 17 at around 8 p.m., our dear Rolando passed away. Rest in peace. You were so loved. Hi. My name is Liz Amore and I am Belkis Fernandez's cousin. Her brave husband, Rolando recently passed in hospice care after a long, hard battle with cancer, leaving behind his wife and their kids. The family is saddened by this and unfortunately not financially prepared due to mounting medical bills. If you knew Rolando, you’d know how much he touched the lives of everyone around him. It’s now our turn to give back and help the Fernandez family as they deal with the loss of Rolando. We are raising money to assist with medical bills, time off, and other day-to-day costs, as the family deals with this horrible loss. Hola. Mi nombre es Liz Amore y soy prima de Belkis Fernandez. Su valiente esposo, Rolando, murio después de una larga y dura batalla contra el cáncer, dejando atrás a su esposa y sus hijos. La familia está entristecida por esto y, lamentablemente, no está preparada financieramente debido a las crecientes facturas médicas. Si conoces a Rolando, sabrás cuánto tocó la vida de todos los que lo rodeaban. Ahora es nuestro turno de retribuir y ayudar a la familia Fernández mientras lidian con la pérdida de Rolando. Estamos recaudando dinero para ayudar con las facturas médicas, el tiempo libre y otros costos diarios, mientras la familia se enfrenta a esta horrible pérdida.

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