Hi all - my name is Rifkah and I'm seeking financial support to advance my gender transition. I have a double mastectomy surgery scheduled in October at the UCLA Medical Center with a surgeon who specializes in FTM/FTNM (Female to Male, Female to Non-Binary) surgery and has treated many people within the transgender community. This surgery is only partially covered by insurance, and beyond the hospital bills, I am also in need of funding to help me through the recovery process when I will be unable to work. I wish that I didn’t have to ask for financial support, but it’s my only option to take the next step in my self-actualization. This is a major decision that took me many years to come to, and I don’t enter lightly into this modification of my body. I was in my early teens when my mom and I had the first of many conversations about surgical intervention regarding my breasts. My first official diagnosis of Gender Dysmorphia was with a therapist over 8 years ago, and I've been on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for almost two years and have never felt better and more like myself. My breasts have never felt like a natural part of my body, and have only ever been an alien burden. As I continue to grow and evolve more and more into myself, I’ve come to realize that they have been a barrier to my honest, full-gender expression. I often close my eyes and fantasize about what my life could look like in its most ideal form; where I'll be in the world, how I'll be spending my time, etc. One element that has been a constant in that fantasy for many years now is the vision of myself flat-chested, shirtless in the breeze, and I can not wait to feel that wind against my skin. I am lucky to have the support of my wife, my loving family, friends, coworkers and community, which empowers me in taking this enormous step. Thank you for any support, and I’m so excited for what's to come - it’s finally time to say bon voyage tittiés !
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