My name is Jackie Shumway. I’ve been a nurse for 40 years, and I am setting up this site to raise funds for my sister, Renee Crossman, who desperately needs help to care for her daughter, Rebecca Crossman. Rebecca’s medical history has been complicated over many years, with multiple treatments and surgeries to treat debilitating endometriosis. Previously, she was able to function successfully and independently. However, she has had to move in with her parents in 2024 because that is no longer possible. Renee and her family have devoted their time and money to caring for Rebecca as best they can, but her condition continues to deteriorate. Rebecca is currently in the University of Cincinnati Hospital for Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis related to her health condition. Renee and her husband live in Dayton, but they and their adult children tend to Rebecca daily while she is in the hospital. The cost of going back and forth is daunting. Rebecca is wheelchair and bed bound now. Since 2018, multiple surgeries have left her with severe debilitating complications and her life has been forever changed. She’s lost the use of her right leg from the cauterizing of a large nerve bundle in her pelvis, leaving her unable to walk. She suffers from excruciating pelvic pain and has been unable to keep food and fluids down over the last two years. Before all these complications developed, Rebecca spent her young life traveling the world as part of a team of humanitarian workers going wherever there was a need. This young woman and her team have been on the ground with disasters in Nepal, Haiti and Japan. She and her team have worked with Doctors without Borders and a variety of NGO's around the world. She has put her faith into direct action. In Rebecca's words: “In 1999 there was a massive earthquake in Turkey, where we were living; my parents allowed us to help by talking to the children who had become orphaned, providing comfort and care. This left a lasting impact on my life, and when I was 18, I was determined to give my life to the care and well-being of others. Since 2006, I have worked worldwide as a team leader for disaster relief work, and as a trauma counselor, and I have helped to create and build non-profit organizations and assisted in community rebuilding. In 2018, after seeing the amount of suffering that amputees in developing nations have experienced, I helped set up a company working on creating prosthetics that are easy to make, durable, and affordable. My passion has always been to help those who have been broken, whether by natural or man-made disasters, through war, substance abuse, or sickness. Rebuilding and finding strength and peace in their lives and seeing them help others has been the richest reward. I recognize and know that every life I’ve touched, every job I’ve accomplished, every positive impact I’ve been able to make was only made possible through the help and donations of people worldwide.” Rebecca's most recent life-threatening complication and hospitalization are expected to last for quite a while. Her medical team is working very hard to save her life, but they also hope to return her to full health. Out-of-pocket expenses for supplies, medical equipment, and a wheelchair-accessible van are needed. Please open your hearts to help Renee and her family care for Rebecca, this amazing young woman who has given so much to others. The funds will go directly to Renee Crossman, my sister, to be used for anything that is needed to care for Rebecca not covered by her basic insurance. Thank you for your thoughtful and generous support. Jackie Shumway and Rebecca's Family
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