

Hi my name is Rene Medrano, I just recently turned 44. I have been married to my best-friend Shasta Buster for the past 20 years. Together we have two wonderful kids. For those that don't know me, here is my story. Over a month ago my body turned on me, is the best way to say it. From being healthy running around on the rig and without any warning, I'm being medevac to a trama center in Louisiana with a medical team trying to figure out what was going on in my body. So many things where going on all at once, then I heard a nurse ask me if I had a will or any advance directive, that hit home. I’m only 44, what is going on? I still have so much life to live. So many questions about where did my blood go, any accidents or surgery? Then being drilled twice in my hip for my bone marrow. Being asked to sign consent forms to receiving blood and platelet transfusions. I'm asking why and what is gonna happen if I say no? " you're gonna die!", so sign away I did. It took weeks, different Dr's and more testing and more and more transfusions. Finally a diagnosis Severe Aplastic Anemia, yup never heard of it either. Can't be that bad I thought after all, since I was feeling better than the weeks before because of the transfusions. Okay, I can deal with this, I guess I’m going to be Anemic now, NOT. Learned that my own immune system was attacking my bone marrow from making new blood cells and this wasn't going away and that it wasn't something I did, that it's rare and I guess I'm just unlucky. The average person has between 150,000-450,000 platelets in a micro unit of blood and hemoglobin between 13-17. When I fell ill my platelets was a 1(1000) and my hemoglobin at 3. So began the transfusions, twice a week, which are giving me borrowed time while I'm doing treatments in and out of the hospitals in hopes of becoming transfusion independent. Two weeks ago I came to MD Anderson Cancer Hospital to just meet a Dr and look for any treatment options, "was supposed to be a one day thing" ,ended up being admitted within hrs due to my counts being so low they were worried my brain or body might start to bleed internally. Having to say goodbye to my wife the next morning because Nothing was planned for this, just moving all to fast and life doesn't stop at home. Plenty of time to think while waiting for treatment. Filling out a living will, last wishes, to decide and talk what I want done when I pass. "Always told my wife I don't do camping cause I'm not going out by no bear or swimming in a lake with those alligators". I can probably box a bear or atomic elbow drop an alligator, but without treatment and transfusions I'm likely to pass before the year ends. I've never asked for help before and never have wanted to, just always worked for what my family needed and help those when I can. Realizing now that this is beyond me and can't just walk it off or pretend this isn't happening. After getting a call from a friend and telling me to let go of my pride and don't be afraid to ask for help. I have months and months to go to see if this is going to work. I have faith, hope, the love and support from family and friends. Would just like to thank everyone for everything. To my loving wife Shasta(Sugarbutt), who refuses to let me give up ,I love you. To my amazing kids, I hope y’all know how proud I am of y’all! . Once again I thank you for all the prayers and support. Day "5" of treatment.. I cannot express how important it is to donate blood/plasma/platelets! Take time to become a Bone Marrow Donor! The next life you save might be yours, or someone you love. It only takes minutes to save a life. Be the difference. Be a Hero. Thank you in advance.

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