Hi everyone, due to unforseen circumstances Grooming Marvellous is having to relocate in the next 6-8 weeks. I am looking to rent a new unit of my own still within Ashley Cross so I can keep Grooming your fur babies. As this has happened relatively quickly I need a little help to raise a deposit for the new unit, which I am very excited about, it will be perfect and all mine. I am sorry that this is an unusual approach and hope no-one is offended by me asking for help x For this to happen it has been suggested to me by two of my regular clients to set up a crowd funding page... so here it goes! I am asking for your help so that I can continue to Grooming all of your lovely doggies straight away in the new place causing no disruption to your regular Grooming plans. To raise this sort of money or take out a loan would be a financial burden to me and my family right now. So any donation no matter how small would be so gratefully recieved please! This will finally feel like my own place and help to support me and my little family. Thank you so much for your time in reading this and hopefully your support.. All my love Laura xxx
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