About 4 years ago our brother, Shawn Lohr, became ill with what we thought was a bowel obstruction. During that first hospitalization, it was discovered that he had suffered a shutdown of his bowels for no apparent reason. It was also discovered that a portion of his bowels had been twisting and untwisting causing that section to die and gangrene to develop. All of this was repaired and his recovery from that round of surgeries was long with him spending about 3 months in and out of the hospital. Fast forward a year and a half and Shawn was in the hospital again. During that hospital stay he again had surgery but this time to correct a blockage that was caused by scar tissue and again his recovery was long with him being in and out of the hospital for almost a month. Fast forward once more to the present and our brother is again in the hospital. This time, it seems, fighting for his life. His physical and emotional state is at a very low point. He went in almost a month ago with what he was told was another bowel blockage caused by scar tissue. That was repaired and he was sent home. Within a week of that discharge Shawn started feeling sick again and returned to the hospital…only to be sent home. The very next day he went back to the hospital where they discovered another blockage this one they say is from the contrast used to detect the first blockage not moving through his system. He was again admitted to the hospital where the usual methods of resolving this type of blockage are simply not working. At this point it appears that nothing is emptying from his stomach into the intestines in order to be moved through the rest of his system. Shawn has consulted numerous GI doctors through the last 4 years only to be told different things…one doctor told him that “Not every headache is a brain tumor and not every stomach ache is a blockage,” (Clearly he did not go back there) another diagnosed IBS. He has had various scopes and tests all with no conclusive data or reason for these repeated blockages. It appears that his bowels do not work properly. He is unable to move food through his system normally so the blockages occur. Shawn has not once asked for help and is hesitant to accept help when offered. However, Shawn has always helped others and the time has come to give back however possible and take at least some stress out of his life so that he can focus on recovery. It is our idea, not Shawn's, as his sisters, to ease a bit of his stress by asking for help. In fact, we doubt that he would agree had we consulted him, but sometimes sisters know best. As we write this, Shawn is in the hospital. He has a PICC line running TPN so that he does not starve. He has had an NG tube in place for 2 weeks. They did remove it today as a last ditch effort as the doctors are "challenging" the digestive system to begin working. So we continue to wait and pray. If this does not work, he will be transferred to another hospital to again see another round of doctors who can hopefully figure things out. Before this all started Shawn was an athletic and active man. He has coached little league basketball and softball, both for his daughter and step son’s teams as well as for his nephews. He is the West Greene Varsity Baseball coach and hopes to be able to continue those activities. He enjoys helping others and is active in school and his community. Shawn graduated from California University in 2010 with a degree in Education and has been a substitute teacher ever since. He was a long term sub during the 2014-15 school year for 6th grade at West Greene Middle School. He touched the lives of his students during that time and just wants to go back to teaching and coaching. If you can help ease this burden and are in a position to donate, please do so, if you are not, please keep Shawn and his family in your prayers. Thank you and God Bless
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