

My husband and I have been together for 9 years now. He has 3 amazing boys. 2, 7, & 27. His boys Adee his world, he would do anything for them. We recently just bought our first home together. I could not believe how elated we were. Our life was going great, and I had never been happier. Until phil went to the ER on a saturday morning thinking he had tweaked his back in a way that was making it hard for him to breathe. Long story short; we went from happy healthy family worrying about little home projects, and sport events for our 7 year old. To the unimaginable. Our main provider, Head of our household, Our rock has fast growing terminal lung cancer! Amazingly in one afternoon our wonderful little life turned upside down. Needless to say we are not prepared. There are so many things he has not been able to do with his children. Our 2 year old doesn't even talk yet. He hasn't even been able to have a conversation with his son yet! He always works so much to provide for Our family he hasn't had much time to spend with his boys. Now with the little time he has left, all he wants to do is give his children amazing experiences with him. We haven't told the boys what's going on yet, we really want them to have memorable moments as a family. We are busy trying to prepare for a future without him, keeping the roof over their head and food in their bellies. We are scared, we are nervous, we are anxious, we are sad, we are just people who need help. We truly believe in paying it forward and when we have been able to help others we do, and now in our time of need we want you to know we truly appreciate it. From the bottom of our hearts thank you!

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