

Bradford Leonard was a decorated Marine, loving husband, amazing dad, successful business owner, awesome friend and an all around great guy. He served his country proudly and lived life to the fullest, but Brad was plagued with a horrible demon that goes by the name of PTSD. He was tortured by this demon that presented him with regret, anxiety and sleep deprivation. Brad cared deeply for people and hesitated using the VA because he had private insurance  and did not want to take treatment away from someone who did not have private insurance but truly needed help. He knew all too well what it felt like to need help as a proud and private former soldier.   Because of this he continued to fight a lonesome heroes battle against this relentless demon. Sadly on February 22, 2015 Bradford Leonard lost his battle with PTSD. He was shot and killed by Police Officers as he stepped outside of his house that morning because he was perceived as a threat. Brad did not have any life insurance or a will and everything is tied up in probate at this time. Sadly, not only is there is no nest egg for his wife and 2 small children (ages 9 and 6) but instead there are many attorney bills and other bills generated by his sudden death.  Like so many Brad had no intentions of leaving this world at such a young age. The children most importantly have lost their father at very young ages and that can never be replaced but they also lost half of their support system. This is where we can help. Fortunately they have a wonderful mother, unfortunately she can not do this financially on her own. It took both incomes for them to survive. She needs to be able to secure a future for her children and to provide them with the daily things life demands. Please consider helping out Brad's wife and kids. He fought for our freedom allowing us to continue to live the American Dream. Let's not turn our backs on him now. By helping his family we can all show our support for the American soldier and show his kids that he did not die in vain.

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