

This Eagle Scout project stems from HUMC (my local church)'s preschool having a nice, fenced-in area that kids could play in and wait to be picked up from school. However, during the summer months, the area receives no protection from the sun, and becomes unbearable for the kids and staff to even consider using that area. This is where the idea for my eagle project was born - and the plan eventually developed into making the area a nice outdoor classroom-type area for the kids. This Eagle Scout project consists of 3 main parts - (1) putting up some benches for the kids to be able to use while learning or waiting to be picked up - (2) installing a sun sail over the area with the benches to give the teachers and kids a break from the sun - (3) landscaping and making the area look more presentable with some general landscaping with some landscaping tarps. Completing this project would have a substantial impact on my church, and all donations are appreciated! Progress: (1) - Putting up benches After some hard work, on August 5th, 2024, we were able to complete the first phase of this project! Despite some kinks in the original construction process, the benches were completed, and were tested by our workers after lots of hard work!

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