

The truth....on Mothers Day May 13, 2007, I boiled crawfish for my family and had an amazing day. My girlfriend did not attend because she was beginning to detox. She begged me to get her some suboxone. A friend knew someone who was willing to share. We pulled in to the location where we were to make the exchange. A young man was walking down the sidewalk and opened the back door of my car. He pulled a 38 caliber gun on us and demanded we give our wallets. My friend handed over his but I refused. He shot me once and got out of the car shooting me two more times.  When I tried to back my car up I realized I could not move my legs. My friend grabbed my leg which was on the gas pedal, pushed it down and got us out into the middle of the street. He called 911 and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital having my clothes cut off of me. When I came to the following day in intensive care I was told I had a spinal card injury and I would never walk again.  My spine had been completely severed and I had a bullet lodged in my spine that could not be removed. I was never going to walk again, play football again, dance again. I was paralyzed from my waist down.My mother immediately started to try and learn everything possible and locate any State help. She put my name on spinal cord injury fund, waivers for personal care attendants, accessible living institutes etc.  I have now been paralyzed 8 years and I have not received one thing other than my wheelchair which took me two and a half years to get the State and Medicare to cover. I was actually rolling on three wheels and the chair was lopsided.Because of the length of time it took to get a new chair I ended up with a severe pressure sore on my buttocks which led to an infection in my isuial bone (butt bone) Surgury was performed and the bone was removed. I have been in and out of the hospital so to many times in the last couple years and the pressure sore is still not healed. The doctors continue to do the same thing and I continue to get the same results. At one point a sponge was left inside of me and caused more bone damage. After 8 years I am still on the waiver list for help. I can not take care of my self once I am discharged from acute care. The place I live is not handicap accessible and it's impossible to cook for myself or completely take care of myself.  Because of my diet or going prolonged without eating at all because the food stamp office allocated me $13.00 per month my body can not heal. One we month after my injury, my little brother was in a motorcycle accident and received a severe brain injury. Three weeks after that, my dad came out of a IHOP restaurant and was attacked by three men who beat him with a tire tool. He was left for dead until employees found him. He too received severe brain injury.  We all try to help each other but we can only do so much.My mother recently heard about the Shepard Hospital in Atlanta who specializes in spinal cord injuries and pressure sores. My insurance will only cover out of network leaving a large expense. I have no way of getting to Atlanta from Baton Rouge. I have never just came out and asked anyone for anything however I was told about this site and thought I'm about as low as I can get so its worth a try to ask for your help. There are a lot of nursing homes for seniors but not for a 34 year old. I know if I could just get well and have a accessible living quarters I could turn my life around. I am aware I made a terrible choice that Mothers Day. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me and help me, I will prove I can become a contributing citizen and help others.Primo

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