

Micah James Cardenas was born in Manhattan, KS on July 6th, 2024 at 10:23am weighing 9 lbs 4 oz. Katie was induced early and Micah had a slightly traumatic birth. He was very purple and they soon found out he was not getting enough oxygen. A day and a half later he was transferred to the NICU at Stormont Vail in Topeka. The doctors said he had a slight case of pulmonary hypertension. The first few days he was on an IV receiving fluids and hooked to oxygen. He was able to get off the IV, but is still in need of oxygen. The doctors did several more tests to rule things out. They decided to send him to Kansas City Children's Mercy on July 22nd, where he is currently. While Katie and Jose have been by their baby's side, Micah's big brother Lucca has been in Manhattan with Katie's parents. These are very trying times for the Cardenas family. The best way to offer support during this overwhelming time is to pray for the Cardenas family. We are humbly requesting donations from those who are able to help with the vast medical costs. Thank you all for your support.

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