On the morning of July 20, Jude Zovar unexpectedly entered into glory to meet her savior, Jesus, who she worshipped constantly with her life. Oh what a glorious day it was for her! My name is Andy Lundman and I am the life long best friend of Jude’s son Caleb. Tom and Jude have been such an important part of my life, as they were to so many others. I grew up in their house as my second home with the Zovar’s as my second family. I always referred to them as my “mom away from mom” and “dad away from dad”. They have been such a blessing to me and my family that we wanted to set up a benevolence fund in support of Tom during this time of mourning. If you feel so inclined, please consider giving to help support Tom so that he doesn’t have to stress in this time of grieving. Thank you! God Bless!
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