

Joshua’s mission to get Isaac some new wheels. Joshua is going to complete a Triathlon, swimming 25m, biking 2k and running 1000m. 6-9 yrs ZINC 25m 1k 500m 8-11 yrs STEEL 50m 2k 1000m Last year we talked about fundraising for Isaac (4) a Walker, Isaacs older brother Joshua (8) heard us and wanted to help. A few months later a miracle happened and Isaac amazingly started walking!! Recently we were told a wheelchair would be better for when Isaac starts school and we were referred to the wheelchair services, unfortunately the waiting list is huge for the initial appointment and then for the chair to be made/ordered/fitted. Joshua over heard me talking about the cost of buying the wheelchair and asked if he could do a fundraiser to raise some money towards the wheelchair. Everything Isaac does has never come easy, but he always keeps that gorgeous smile on his face. We were told he might not sit, he might not walk, he might not talk but he continues to defy the odds against him! He is our real life superhero. Any help whether that’s a share or a pound towards the total would be hugely appreciated. A little about our Isaac ❤️ my tiny little 28 weeker, born unable to swallow due to tracheo esophageal fistula, with his bowels not connected- duodenal atresia, he’s had a total of 14 operations for some of the below, a PDA, an abnormal heart, bleed on his brain causing hydrocephalus, blood clots, fundoplication, gastrostomy, bowel perforation, removal of appendix, an access device in his head along with a shunt, for a long time Isaac had a big open wound covering most of his tummy so his internal organs could heal before his operation to reconnect everything therefore had to be laid flat for most of his first 5 months of life leaving him with barely any muscle tissue this has been built up slowly. Due to all of the above and his chronic lung disease Isaac struggled to walk very far and often gets out of breathe and sleepy therefore a wheelchair would help him join in all activity while at school. Isaac currently has oxygen & milk over night, that is sometimes required during the day therefore a wheelchair would be able to carry the weight of these if needed while at school as Isaac is unable to carry these himself. ** update below ** Thank you so much for all your lovely comments, shares, likes & donations. We have been absolutely overwhelmed with love and have never felt so supported. Making the decision to share Isaacs story was a really difficult one, I’ve been asked in the past about fundraising events however I find it to difficult to speak about in person. I’d basically spend the whole event in tears. But now I am so happy I have shared it, seeing the boys get so excited every time they hear the total. Reading the messages when people have shared the page has even caused Joshua to cry because he feels so proud. After speaking to wheelchair services the fundraiser was made hastily without much research as September is fast approaching. With this in mind we really would like to order the wheelchair asap so Joshua is going to complete his triathlon tomorrow 10th august at around 3pm. Let me know if you would like the details so you can be there to clap him over the finish line. (Bring seats as I’m not sure how fast he will run) Apologies for the late notice, Isaac has been unwell but is seeming better today

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