Hello friends, I am a grandmother and mother going through a series of hardships that have severely impacted my family. We are losing our home of 12 years due to eviction (landlord is renovating & raising rent significantly) I have been helping care for my grandchild when my daughter became pregnant and a teen mom. She is the victim of a crime and must remain anonymous for their safety. In spite of it all, she knew in her heart she wanted to keep her baby. My daughter needed my support so that she can slowly heal and overcome challenges that young mothers and victims of trauma often endure. For her safety and child’s they must remain anonymous. Shelters are full and there’s a 6-8 month waiting list. I have called and began the intake process with family shelters and all they can currently offer is to interview me and do an intake and put me and my family on a waiting list. This will be over half a year wait time. I have done all the intakes and interviews to begin. But We need help now and we desperately need more than two weeks stay at a motel and access to showers and internet so that my daughter who’s in her senior year of high school can continue to excel in her classes and remain an honor roll student so that she can begin her dream of enrolling in community college next and from there into state college. In order for her to become a successful young woman and able to support her own daughter we need the tools and resources to do so. As we plan to enroll in any and all programs that are available for her we still need a place to be safe, to put our heads down and to thrive and be able to attend school and myself to interviews and to landing work so we can be self sufficient and independent. I am a survivor of years of sexual abuse by a family member, a survivor of mental/psychological abuse by my mother and it carried onto my teen marriage that was verbally and emotionally abusive. Now as an adult I find myself having hard choices to make but I have to make them and I need to begin a life for myself and my girls. I want to show my daughter and granddaughter that I can break free, start new, and find myself again and give them a positive, healthy and safe environment. For these reasons we have no family that can help as all I have is my abusive family and not safe to have my girls around them and our friends do not have the room for us with their own children and families to care for. With your kind donation, does not matter how small please know everything helps, you can help provide a safe place for my daughter and granddaughter to sleep, to study and continue their education and have the ability to find work. It is a very hard thing to do without a place to study and shower and eat safely as a car is no place for children. Our car needs to be repaired the a/c and breaks and I can use this car for finding work. Social services provides a little help but it won’t be sufficient for car repair and fuel, overdue utilities, and for a rent deposit and first months rent. It helps only with a few nights at a motel and some food. Emergency shelters are full most often and they also do not allow families or anyone to stay during the day and that is most unsafe for anyone especially women and children. I can’t take my children to potential jobs and or interviews and even with daycare we cannot afford it nor have a safe reliable car to take her to and teen daughter would remain alone and vulnerable out there with no supervision. My goal is to raise enough for much needed car repairs or a used car that runs safely and efficiently. To pay our much needed gas and electricity bills so we can continue to have light and heating and help with our emergency storage as we have nowhere to safely keep my families only belongings. Most importantly a place to live and give these children stability and a safe place to sleep and thrive and attend school. We will be homeless in a matter of days and we ask you to please help us. Please help my beautiful little granddaughter who is my sunshine and my loving best friend, my daughter who has so much life and future ahead of her. We will keep everyone updated always on the help and success of your donations and take you with us on our journey to a new and safe life. Please help us stay safe and off the streets. Please help me keep my family safe and together. We need a fresh start and all help is greatly appreciated. ❤️ and please share and pass along. God Bless You! Lucy Matsumoto
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