Update~ Bethany is finally HOME! 13 days in the hospital! She’s recovering well from her hip replacement & healing as best as can be expected. She’ll have plenty more PT of course. Layne & the 2 boys are doing good too! They’ve kept a great attitude throughout all this & have relayed their immense gratitude for everyone’s thoughts, prayers and positive vibes Our whole family is grateful for the support & love shown during this tough time! They’re still searching hard for an affordable dependable vehicle to replace the one that was totaled. Financial contributions are still greatly needed, if anyone is able to help!!! Continuing positive vibes are also deeply appreciated! ~Paula~ On August 2nd, our son & his family were in a terrible car accident, t-boned at 60-70 mph. It's truly miraculous they survived! Layne & both boys (ages 8 & 12) escaped with rough bruising & pain, but Bethany (wife) felt the brunt of the hit. She suffered a pelvic fracture & hip/femur fracture. August 3rd Bethany underwent surgery for a total hip replacement. She is expected to remain in the hospital for another full week while she continues to recover from surgery & receive PT. They'll be a single income household for at least a few months while Bethany heals, and this whole ordeal has already hit them very hard financially. Unfortunately they were underinsured and our family is trying to focus on assisting them with their most immediate needs, and what they need ASAP is a vehicle. We're asking our family & friends to PLEASE DONATE! Any amount is greatly appreciated!!! Good vibes & prayers are also deeply appreciated. Layne & Bethany are in desperate need of reliable transportation. They live out of state so we’re trying very hard to be the best support system we can be from afar. *Also, the boys start back to school at the end of August, so if there's any leftover funds, those will be used to provide them with much needed school clothes & supplies. Thank you all so very much for your support! Sincerely, The Alexander - Koval Family
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