

Hi, our names are Gus (big white Boxer) and Bella. Our mom (Jennifer) and dad are having a very difficult time right now. They are facing eviction due to past-due rent that was incurred due to the pandemic. We are hoping you can help them. When all businesses were shut down in 2024, they both worked in the service industry so their jobs became nonexistent. That didn't stop either of them though. They both found new jobs within a couple of months. Mom started working at one of the local hospitals here in Madison, WI in May of 2024 on a floor that was filled with very sick COVID patients all the time. We hated that she worked there because she worked so many days and long hours. Her typical work day was 12 hours, not the 8 that we were used to. We sure missed her, but we understood that our mom loves to help people and animals whenever she can. (We are proof of this because our dad and she rescued both of us! I, Bella, was pregnant with six puppies when they rescued me and they had no idea. They sure took good care of me and those puppies. They found good homes for every single puppy. I am so grateful for them as my previous owners were neglectful and physically abused me. The other bonus is we got 2 human brothers!) We sure were proud of her for putting her life at risk daily to help others in need. Starting in February of 2024 something was wrong with our mom. She slept all the time when she was home and nothing made her smile or was fun for her. She was really struggling and even though we gave her all the kisses and love we could, she wasn't getting better. She finally realized that watching multiple patients in the hospital struggling for life or dying because of COVID had made her very depressed. She took a few months of off work and decided the best thing for her would be to resign from her position at the hospital. She now works full-time in a vet clinic in Madison, WI which we can tell she loves because she laughs and smiles all of the time now. We are very jealous that she sees other dogs and cats all day, but our mom sure loves dogs a whole bunch so we tolerate it. Our parents are such good people. They are very honest hard-working people and will do anything they can to help someone in need. Just the other day when it was so hot out she bought a big jug of water for two homeless men and their dog because it was 95 degrees out. They donate to the local food bank and diaper drive every year. They buy environmentally friendly products to protect the future of our planet. They are happy just getting by with the basic things in life. Last winter their vehicle got totaled in a car accident the week of Thanksgiving. They worked really hard to get another vehicle purchased within a week. We could tell that was so stressful for them. Then a month later dad took me, Gus, in the vehicle to pick up my mom from work. I got scared by something and jumped into my dad's lap while he was driving. The road was icy, there was another vehicle and boom another car accident and another vehicle got totaled. They spent a month in a rental car trying to find another vehicle. Insurance would only pay for 7 days for the rental car. My parents had to pay $1,200 (a full month's rent) to be able to have a vehicle to get to work. Our parents try so hard and every time they are close to getting ahead something happens and they get further behind. Our dad's parents aren't able to lend them the money as they are on a fixed income. Our mom's parents refused to help despite my mom trying to get assistance from them. If there is any way you can spare a few dollars to help them get back on track again we sure would appreciate it!

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