Hi, my name is Lauren, and I am starting a LFEBridge for my sweet mom, Beverly Rawls. (I have never done something like this before, but I felt God's nudge to do it, so here I am!) As many of you may know, my mom is one of THE most kind, bubbly, enthusiastic, generous, faithful, and loving woman you'll ever meet. Anyone who meets her instantly sees Jesus in her and just feels at instant ease simply being in her presence. Her infectious smile and contagious laughter makes her hard not to love! Well, recently, my mother was put into a situation where she lost her job of 27 years due to budget cuts. She has been a secretary at a church school since 1996. She started that job when I was in 6th grade, so that my parents would be able to afford for me to go to a wonderful Christian school. She was two years away from retirement when she received the news that her position would no longer be and she had do "retire" early. (I am not delving into the details, as it is a wonderful school and I am not here to blame anyone. ) Needless to say, she was devastated. Over half of my life, she has devoted her ALL to that job. It was who she was. She was meant for it. She loved getting to know the students and families over the years, and this sudden blow was beyond upsetting. My sweet momma never complains about anything and always tries to help others before herself. So, that's why I am trying to help her now. Her retirement money will only last her a couple of years. My father passed away 16 years ago, so it's just my mother's income (and social security) that's supporting her. Without having her biweekly income, my sweet momma is struggling. She's 70 years old and looking for a job! She never thought she'd ever be in this situation, but she is handling it with grace and trust in the Lord. I know God has a plan for my mom, even if we don't see it now. But I'm just asking if anyone could be willing to help out my mommy, that would be SO appreciated! (She would have never done this, so I am doing this for her because she'd do it for anyone if they needed it!) Anything would help and feel free to share with anyone. I love her beyond words, and I know that anyone who knows her undoubtedly does too! So, I thank you in advance for your loving support for the sweetest woman who has dedicated her life to serving others. God bless you all. ❤️
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