Hi my name is Janae. I am making this go fund me to help my mom lay my dad to rest and help her with expenses. My dad went to the hospital on July 11th at 1pm for an infection in his leg. My mom was trying to get a hold of him for a few hours and he wasn't responding, so she looks at his health chart online. At 3pm July 11th it says unresponsive. She then asks my older sister to go check on my dad cause at this point my mom is freaking out. My sister informed us that the hospital found my dad in the triage bathroom at the hospital unresponsive. They aren't sure how long my dad was unresponsive for but it did take them 10 minutes to get his heart pumping. The next day I came to see my dad and was devastated. He got put on a ventilator and had so many fluids going to him. He was out under sedation because when he's not he gets violent trimmers (drs also call it myoclonic jerks). The drs did a brain test and an MRI to see if he has any brain damage from the lack of oxygen when he went unresponsive. They did not at the time see any brain damge, but the jerking was a sign of it. Doctors aren't sure why he became unresponsive. My dad has been going through a lot the last three years. My dad has severe neuropathy, Charcot disease, and has had 13 surgeries in the past year. My dad was taking many medication from different doctors as well. We aren't sure if his body just gave up from all his medical conditions or if some medications got mixed that weren't suppose to. We kept getting the run around of what's going on with my dad. First doctors say that he has a brain injury and he's not going to make it. Then the MRI test came back normal and they say he has a fighting chance. Then they said that the myoclonic jerks look worry some and they should have been gone by now. Everytime they tried to ween my dad off sedation his blood pressure would start dropping and his breathing would get heavier and faster and he starts jerking a lot. Again doctors then told us this is a form of brain injury and they wanted neurologists to come back and take a look at what my dad was doing. After the neurologist came to look at my dad, him and the head dr had a conversation outside the room on what they saw and what they think we should do going forward. They both came to the room and informed us my dad does have brain injury do to the lack of oxygen for too long, that the MRI didn't catch. They said that the 24 hour brain scan they did was more accurate and based of that scan he had little to none brain activity and based off his myoclonic jerks were a sign of brain injury as well. My whole family had to make the decision on wether we want my dad to live on, relying solely on machines and fluids. He would not remember anything, wouldn't be able to interact with us, wouldn't be able to do much. My dad would not want to live this way and he let us all know if it ever came down to that to let him go. We all dreaded to make this decision but we knew it's what my dad wanted and what we needed to do for him. We made the decision to take him off life support. My dad wanted to be a true real life hero, he wanted to donate his organs to someone in need. We then had a date set to when he would be taken off life support and have him save lives. On July 20th we had a walk of honor for my dad for him, due to him wanting to donate to help save lives. He then was scheduled to get taken off of live support on July 21st at 3:00am. The doctors told us he has 90 minutes to pass if they were going to be able to use his organs for donation, if the organs go to long they aren't good because they don't have the right amount of oxygen going to them. They had someone in line for his heart already, his heart was big and healthy. During the whole process of removing the ventilator they made sure my dad was comfortable and didn't feel anything the whole time. Unfortunately my dad went past the 90 minutes and was not able to donate his organs. My dad has always been a fighter his whole life and that's what he was doing, fighting strong. That or he needed my mom to be with him cause she wasn't in the room at first but she knew he needed her. My dad was then transfered back to his original room to pass on his own peacefully. My dad needed my mom to finish passing away, he passed away 15 minutes after my mom came in the room to comfort and hold him until his last breath was taken. My dad passed away July 21st at 6:50 in the morning. He was surrounded by his family and left this world peacefully and full of love. Here's a little back story about my dad, he is the protector of the family, although he was going through so much he always made sure his kids and wife were taken care of and safe. My dad is a softy when it comes to his family. He loves telling stories when I see him and what I would do to hear one of them right now. He always loves to smell good, you would know when he's in the room haha. My dad did everything he can despite everything is been through the last three years. No matter what he was going through he would be is goofy, caring, loving, protecting person. His wisdom on things were incredible and intriguing. He will forever be in our hearts and we will cherish him forever. so I am reaching out to everyone in hopes I can help my mom with laying my dad to rest the way he wanted and to help with some expenses. My mom is the main money maker between her and my dad and she has not been able to work. She hasn't been to work since my dad was put on life support. The reason for this is because we could get news about my dad anytime and she needed to be there to answer questions and to support him. We didn't know how much longer we would have with him and we all wanted to spend as much time as we could with him. My mom is now grieving the lost of my dad and can not return to work at this time. The donation would allow her to grieve my dad and get her by until she's ready to go back to work. We would also be using some of this donation money to cremate my dad, his wishes. To have a celebration of life for him. And to get urn for him as well. We just want to lay him to rest the way he would want it and to honor him the way he deserves. Thank you for taking the time to read this nightmare of a story my family went/ going through. We appreciate the time you took to read this and for any amount anyone contributes. Thank you and may my dad rest in peace. 11/13/74 ~ 7/21/23. We love you dad.
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