Dear friends, family, and everyone else, My name is Megan. I'm 17 and about to be a senior in high school. I am reaching out to you today on behalf of my mom and dad with a sense of urgency to seek your support for my dad, Patrick’s medical journey. My dad is facing so many challenging and unforeseen medical conditions that requires immediate attention and extensive treatment. Lately it feels like my parents can’t catch a break. My dad had to have two knee surgeries, just after having a shoulder replacement. Then last fall he had two hip surgeries. And this spring he was told he needs another shoulder surgery and may also need his gallbladder removed AND has two hernias. We took a break when my grandparents took us on a family trip, but unfortunately, he returned from that trip with Covid. This caused him to miss more work unpaid. I overheard my mom talking about the bills. Dad had a CT scan, Ultrasound, MRI, needs possibly two more surgeries, has no leave time or pay. About a month ago she was excited because she had finally finished paying off his hospital bills from 2016, thousands of dollars from a time when he wasn’t working at all, and the bills had piled up, and now the bills are mounting again. My mom has worked really hard to make sure all of our bills get paid and that we have all the things that we need, but I have seen how stressed she is from the ongoing medical issues and bills and lack of income from my dad. It’s become overwhelming. Its like every time they get close to being better, they are crushed with thousands of dollars in bills again. Then, as if he doesn’t have enough to deal with, two days ago he took a terrible fall down the stairs. My mom said he has orthostatic hypotension which makes him get lightheaded and dizzy when he stands. He got to the top of the stairs, got dizzy and fell. It was the middle of the night, and I heard him screaming. I got to him first and felt sick and panicked. He was laying face down on the floor in a puddle of blood. My mom told me to call 911 and held a towel to his head. My sister had to take the phone from me because I couldn’t even speak. The ambulance came and took him to the hospital. My mom was there for hours. When she finally came home, she said he was still in the ER. She said he had lost 2-3 pints of blood and his blood pressure dropped dangerously low. The EMTs had put 40 staples in his head. In the trauma room the doctor removed all the staples and worked on repairing the wound. Mom said it took around 3 hours to stitch him back up. He has 80 stitches and a drain in his head in case of bleeding. Now he’s getting more x-rays to see if he broke anything, and the hospital says he needs at home physical therapy. I don’t know when he’ll be able to work again, and I know my mom is extremely stressed. She said with his existing bills and the current insurance, she’s expecting to owe at least $20,000 by the time this is over. My mom is covering everything, our house, our bills, all the things we need. But I know she doesn’t have an extra $20,000 to pay for all these bills. So I’m asking for help, for my mom and dad. Today, I am launching this LFEBridge campaign to rally together as many friends as I can to extend a helping hand to my dad, Patrick Coyle. I don’t want to see my parents burdened by more medical bills while he has already been fighting a battle for his health. How You Can Help: 1. Donate: Any amount you can contribute will directly impact my dad Patrick’s journey toward healing. Whether it's $5, $50, or more, your generous donation will bring him one step closer to getting the medical care he deserves. 2. Share: Even if you are unable to contribute financially, sharing this campaign with your friends, family, and social networks can go a long way in spreading the word and reaching potential donors who can help make a difference. 3. Supportive Messages: Leave messages of love, encouragement, and support for my dad. Your kind words can brighten his spirits and give him the strength to get through this. I know donating money is a big thing to ask. I understand the importance of trust when it comes to fundraising as I have participated in many fundraisers for Girl Scouts. Rest assured, all funds raised will be used exclusively to cover Patrick's medical expenses. I will make regular updates on this campaign to keep you informed about the progress and the impact of your contributions. I know things are hard right now for a lot of people. I just want you to know how very thankful I am that you took the time to read and consider this. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your generosity, empathy, and willingness to consider helping my mom and dad. With all the gratitude, Megan Coyle (Patrick’s “copy/paste” kid)
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