

Hi, my name is Tania and I’m fundraising for my brother Adam. Adam who is only 52 was diagnosed with Sarcoma of the neck about 18 months ago and has fought so hard to try to beat this and do whatever he could to stay with his family. Sarcoma is a type of cancer that begins in the connective tissues of the body, such as, bone (osteosarcoma), cartilage, (chondrosarcoma), skeletal muscle (rhabdomyosarcoma), smooth muscle (leiomyosarcomas), blood vessels (angiosarcoma), fat (liposarcoma) and neuroendocrine cells (Ewing sarcoma). Sarcomas of the head and neck are very rare, making up less than one percent of all head and neck cancers, and less than five percent of all sarcomas of the body. Adam under went high-dose chemotherapy for months and unfortunately further tests showed the cancer had metastasized to his lungs. Adam was then put on a clinical trial medication to attempt to slow the growth of the tumours which made him so sick and like a zombie. Throughout this whole devastating process Adam has not complained once and his only worries are leaving his wife, children, baby grandchildren and nephews behind. We were so hope-full this medication would help but unfortunately Adam was told recently that everything has stopped working and he does not have long to go unless he undergoes more extremely expensive chemotherapy (which will only give us more time with him). Adam has not worked in over a year and his wife Ren has had so much time off her job to take Adam to appointments and be with him at many hospital visits. This chemotherapy treatment is approximately $18,000 and could go up to $28,000. The amount of medical expenses they have already had to outlay is staggering not to mention trying to keep up with a mortgage payment and just life costs. The reality is they cannot afford this treatment however I cannot afford not to try to get my brother the money for this treatment as asking others for help especially in money form goes against a lot of my morals and beliefs. I will do whatever humanly possible to help him. Please help me raise this money so I can keep my brother with us for as long as possible. Thank you all for listening.

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